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Best Events Are In The Special Olympics
Best Events Are In The Special Olympics

Best Events Are In The Special Olympics


There’s no doubt that many of us toss and turn throughout the night, but is it normal? Is there anything we can do about it? As it turns out, yes. In fact, one recent study found that a series of shots taken from a three-point range may actually help you sleep better at night. Here’s how: The act of shooting those basketballs releases endorphins—the feel-good chemicals in your brain—and also helps reduce muscle tension.


Rather than getting frustrated when you can’t fall asleep, try doing what you would do if you had some huge game tomorrow: set an alarm for an hour before bedtime and spend that time prepping for sleep. Put on your pajamas, turn off any screens (including phone, tablet, and computer), or at least put them on airplane mode so they won’t emit blue light, and head to bed.



Make your bedroom like an aquarium. Blackout shades and heavy curtains will help block out any light, which is crucial for getting a good night’s sleep. Research has shown that it takes about 15 minutes for our brains to realize we are in darkness and start producing melatonin, one of our body’s natural sleep-inducing hormones.


The key to getting good sleep is losing fat and gaining muscle, since lean muscle mass produces human growth hormone (HGH), which boosts both your mental focus and physical recovery. In addition, HGH releases more energy for you throughout your day—which means you won’t be as tired as before. Make sure that you're eating enough calories at breakfast and lunchtime so that you don't feel too hungry in late afternoon or early evening; remember, all calories count!